Are you ready to take back your business and your life?
Let's be real—you love the wedding and event industry, but hate the long hours and stress that comes with it.
There has to be a better way!
1-0n-1 Coaching
You've been in business for a few years and just can't seem to level up or get ahead.
Sometimes you just need a swift kick in the pants. Schedule a Clarity Call and get back on track.
Are you self motivated and ready to take control of your event business? Check out my courses!
Feel like you're running in circles and getting nowhere? One-On-One Business Coaching is for you!
12 month commitment required.
New groups begin every three months (January, April, July, October).
Mastermind Series
Join this group of brazen women determined to build bad-ass brands and businesses they are obsessed with.
You're not quite ready to take the plunge into 1-On-1 Coaching, but know you're in need of a tribe.
You're not quite ready to take the plunge into 1-On-1 Coaching, but know you're in need of a tribe.
Mastermind Series
Join this group of brazen women determined to build bad-ass brands and businesses they are obsessed with.
You're on the list!
and one step closer to taking charge of your event business.
You're not quite ready to take the plunge into 1-On-1 Coaching, but know you're in need of a tribe.
New Mastermind groups launch every two months. Stay tuned for your exclusive invite.
Ready to Make Your Dreams a Reality?
NO MORE EXCUSES! Start owning the business and living the life you've been dreaming of.
lets do this.
You've got big BOLD dreams and are ready to get down to business.
*12 month commitment required, $3,500 monthly.
1 on 1
Brazen Mastermind.
Surround yourself with like-minded and bad-ass business women.
*12 month commitment required, $350 monthly.